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Dịch vụ Xóa icloud iphone

Thảo luận trong 'DỊCH VỤ SERVER - CODE - ACTIVE' bắt đầu bởi Mobile Service, 10/9/19.

  1. Mobile Service

    Mobile Service Dịch vụ online Thành viên BQT Ông bảo vệ Chuyên dịch vụ

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được thích:
    Nhận xóa icloud từ iphone 6 trở lên,giá có thể bằng giá main :D và xong trong vài ngày

  2. Brandonwab

    Brandonwab Thành viên

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đã được thích:
    Hi everyone,
    I was very excited to see the Siri -> OF via Reminders addition to OF iPhone. Im disappointed that the switch to turn on iCloud Reminders just doesnt exist on an iPhone 4.

    Even without Siri, I would like to be able to add Reminders that are automatically imported into OF; Reminders integration into iCal, and shared Reminders lists would open up a lot of opportunities perhaps a shared Reminders list with my girlfriend that would import into her OF, and a separate shared list for me, whereby we could add events to each others OF.

    Additionally, the Siri -> OF integration could be a major selling point if I decide to upgrade to a 4S. Id really like to try out the feature, even if just by typing in Reminders and seeing how well they get imported to OF.

    Anyway, because the iPhone 4 and 4S are essentially running the same version of OF, I was wondering if there is a way to enable the iCloud Reminders function on an iPhone 4? How does OF iPhone tell whether it is running on a 4 or 4S? If I were to jailbreak would it be possible? Perhaps some .plist editing or something?