Mã: >>>>Auto search Mobile port... >>>Try connect to mobile...Success CPU_SN: 0xD640019F MSM_ID: 0x000460E1 >>>Try connect to mobile...Success >>>init mobile...Success >>>Downloading boot...Success >>>Switch mobile to RE\WR ...Success Flasy type: eMMC >>>>read mobile GPT data...Success Clear Moblile Lock data... After Click Mobile userdata will be lost... Format add: ADD:0x0174000000 Size:0x05D3BFBE00 Erase Userdata.. Success Erase Userdata Block 2... Erase Userdata.. Success Erase Userdata Block 3... Erase Userdata.. Success Erase Userdata Block 4... Erase Userdata.. Success Eraseing Block Activation lock... ADD:0x0050000000 Size:0x0000700000 Success >>>>rebooting mobile phones reboot mobile success After Finish;Disconnect usb cable,keep hold the power key 10s more,mobile will reboot!!!